Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to build your website?
Typically speaking it’s about 2 months. We’ve got a finely oiled machine here in DG Creatives and we’ve done this a quite few times and we’ve got a process that we follow and we’ll keep you in a loop. Quite a few other things are going to be dependent on you when it comes to getting a copy of a pages and getting your feedback as well so its really important to keep that coming back to us as quickly as possible. As long as you hit those due dates which you will be informed about, then we’ll make sure we deliver your website on time and on budget. Of course if you got any questions or things pop up along the way as they always do in business just let us know and out team will do our best to work around you.
How many rounds of feedback do you get?
When you sign up the first thing we will send you is the expectations page and it’ll outline the timeline for you and when you get the opportunity to give feedback.
Typically speaking there are 3 rounds.You’ve got major rounds that happens right upfront where you can make big changes to the theme and the layout. Then there are two minor rounds where you start to make smaller tweaks and adjustments as we get closer to completing the website. Now all of this is included in your package. Now the good thing is if you get into the end of the web build and the site goes live and you’d like to make other further adjustments WordPress is so easy and a great content management system to use that’s why we’re bulding your website on it. So if you can edit in Microsoft Word, you’ll be able to make minor changes on your website as well. Of course we’ve got other options with our care and maintenance package.
We have you covered if you need help we’ll make sure we get your website just the way you like.
What content do we need from you?
Start of with you filling up website questionnaire we actually get most of what we need by you completing that. beyond that we might need an idea of the type of the pages that you are after. You’ll also need to give us soem copy for those pages or at least point us to your old website if you’re looking to rebuild so we can take the content from there. If there is additional information maybe its a photo or anything you need that you would like added to your website you can let us know as well.
For example if you have newsletter optin, maybe you got booking form that will just require the code or at least the login details depending on what that application is to grab the code to get in on to your website.
We make this easy for you. We get everything we need upront. If theres anything we are not sure about we make sure to ask you and of course you can chat in any point in time to find out where things are up to and if we’re waiting anything from you.
Is your website going to be mobile responsive?
Yes it is! We understand that web is going more and more mobile. Users are using different mobile devices to consume content from the internet so its crtitical that your website is optimized for mobile devices. Things like making sure when you visit a website and you see a phone number and click that phone number it click to call. So that way it makes it really easy for your users to contact you. That’s not to mention websites need to resize and look great on all different devices. Just rest assured that this is front-end center for us. We wanna make sure that your prospects turn into clients.
Is there an additional charge to get SEO on your website?
None if it is already included from your package so there is no additional charges to make sure you’ve got great on-page SEO.
What options do you have for ongoing care & maintenance?
You might be wondering what happen after you build your website. How do you make sure your website stays alive, up to date to this whole different WordPress updates, make sure it is backed up and make sure you’ve got great security to stop hackers from getting into your website or if you want to make a simple tweaks?
If you purchase one of our packages it already includes free care and maintenance within 3- 6 months. Fortunately if you want to purchase additonal support you may need to check our care and maintenance packages here. Everything will be taken care of for you. You don’t have to do anything. You can feel confident to know that our team of experts is keeping your website safe.
Do you need to update your website?
So you might be wondering whether you need to update your websites. This is a bit of a hard question because it really depends on you and your situation. That said so, the general rules is that if you haven’t updated your website in the past 3 years its porbably time to rebuild because the web is changing so quickly. Goolge keeps on updating its algorithms and when you think about it your website is the most important marketing asset that you have. So you need to make sure you are following the best practice and you need to make sure that there is a finely oiled machine. If you want to learn more a about care and maintenance packages you can contact us anytime.
Do you own the website 100% once it's built?
Yes of course you do! You are paying us for a fee for our service to build your wbesite and once your balance invoice is paid you own your website completely, it is yours to do with whatever you want with it. Not only that because we build on WordPress you are not tied to DG Creatives. You can actually work with anyone or you can even hop in there and start to make changes. So YES you are purchasing a website that is going to stand the test of time and something the you own. It’s your asset.
How does the handover process work once your site is complete?
Once your website is complete you might be wondering what sort of handover training do we give you to make sure you know how to look after your brand new website. The good news is we have a process for that as well. There is additional training and supporting videos that help you up to speed the major components of WordPress. That’s not to mention that WordPress has such a large community out there, theres so much information that can get you up to speed and remember WordPress is easy. If you already know how to use Microsoft Word theres a good chance you know how to do a lot of the main functions within WordPress so that’s a great place to start. If you get stucked and you need additional training or support we are hgere to help as well.
Our Process
A quick, high-level
“This is how it works”
Our process is a documented outline of the steps needed to be taken from start to finish in order to complete a typical project. It divides and categorizes the work and then breaks these high-level sections into tasks and resources that can be used as a road map for each project.

Definitely the most important, because what’s decided and mapped here sets the stage for the entire project. This is also the stage that requires client interaction and the accompanying attention to detail.

This involves moving the information outlined in the planning stage further into reality. The main deliverables are a documented site structure and, more importantly, a visual representation.

This involves bulk of the programming work, as well as loading content, keeping code organized and commented, and refer constantly to the planning details as the full website takes shape.

The purpose of the launch phase is to prepare the website for public viewing. This requires final polishing of design elements, deep testing of interactivity and features and, most of all, a consideration of the user experience.

Packaging source files, providing instructions for use and any required training occurs at this time. Always leave the client as succinctly informed as possible, and try to predict any questions they may have.
Ready to Start a Project?
We are here to make your website standout!
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Client’s Testimonials

Been working with DG Creatives for many years – fantastic hard workers, an asset to anyone looking to outsource projects. We have worked with DG Creatives for a few projects and will continue to work with them in the future – Work Ethics and Talent is spot on!

Dave Safley
Paragon Netology

DG Creatives was a great team to work with! They always gave suggestions and quickly finished the tasks we assigned to them. They did a great job rebuilding our website even though it was somewhat difficult due to the fact that it was a messed up site.

David Nguyen
Nettolon Logistics

Creativity! I only told them a little bit of my thoughts and they came up with work that is beyond my expectation. Also so very helpful, they went the extra mile to teach me everything about word press theme so that I can edit the website myself.

Aaron Ho
RICQS Australia
Read all testimonials from our previous clients.